Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23)
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All Authors
Abraham Lincoln
Adam Smith
Al Mohler
Albert Einstein
Alec Moyter
Andy Crouch
Apostle Paul
Apostle Peter
Archibald Alexander
Arthur Schopenhauer
Augustine of Hippo
Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield
Benjamin Morgan Palmer
C. S. Lewis
C.S. Lewis
Carl Trueman
Chad Van Dixhoorn
Charles Babbage
Charles Hodge
Charles Spurgeon
Charlies Hodge
Christian Reformed Church Study Committee
Christopher Love
Clement of Alexandria
Council of Nicaea
D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Daniel Hyde
Daniel Kahneman
Darryl Hart
David Powlison
David VanDrunen
David Wells
Desiderius Erasmus
Donald A. Carson
Dorothy Sayers
Douglas Adams
Douglas Moo
Ed Welch
Edgar Allen Poe
Edmund Clowney
Fernando Ortega
Flannery O'Connor
Francis Turretin
Frank Theilman
Frederic Chopin
Frederick Herzog
G. K. Chesterton
G.K. Beale
G.K. Chesterton
Gabe Fluhrer
Gavin Ortlund
Geerhardus Johannes Vos
Geerhardus Vos
Georg Neumark
George C. Fuller
George Hutcheson
George Ladd
George Orwell
George Swinnock
George Whitefield
Glen Clary
Gordon Fee
Greg Beale
H. L. Mencken
Henry David Thoreau
Herman Bavinck
Herman Melville
Herman Ridderbos
Hiram Goodrich
Horatius Bonar
Hughes Oliphant Old
Ian Hamilton
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Newton
Isaac Watts
J. Gresham Machen
J. Ligon Duncan
J.C. Ryle
J.I. Packer
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James Dennison
James Madison
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Jane Austen
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Jeremiah Burroughs
Joe Barron Hopper
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John Taylor Gatto
John the Apostle
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John Updike
Joseph Hopper
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Katharina von Schlegel
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King David
Leland Ryken
Leonhard Goppelt
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Luther Martin
Mark Dever
Mark Jones
Mark the Evangelist
Mark Twain
Martin Luther
Matthew Henry
Matthew Meade
Meredith Kline
Michael Haykin
Mortimer J. Adler
Neil Gaiman
Neil Postman
Nick Willborn
Oskar Söhngen
Paul David Tripp
Paul Levy
Paul the Apostle
Paul Tripp
Peter Berger
Phil Ryken
R. B. Kuiper
R. Scott Clark
Ray Bradbury
RC Reed
Richard Baxter
Richard Feynman
Richard Gaffin
Richard Phillips
Richard Sibbes
Robert Lewis Dabney
Robert Murray Mccheyne
Robert Tracy McKenzie
Robert Wolke
Rosaria Butterfield
Ryan McGraw
Ryan Speck
S. Truett Cathy
Samuel Miller
Samuel Rutherford
Scott Oliphint
Sinclair Ferguson
Stephen Charnock
Steve Jobs
Terry Johnson
The Teacher
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Thomas Brooks
Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Manton
Thomas Schreiner
Thomas Watson
Tim Challies
Timothy Keller
Tom Schreiner
Vern Poythress
Walter Moore
Wendell Berry
Westminster Divines
William Dunlop
William Greenhill
William Gurnall
William Lyon Phelps
Woodrow Wilson