
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23)

All Tears Will be Wiped Away

Yes, madam, though every stream must fail, the fountain is still full and flowing. All the comfort you ever received in your dear friend was from the Lord, who is abundantly able to comfort you still; and he is gone but a little before you.

May your faith anticipate the joy and glorious meeting that you will shortly have in a better world.

Then your worship and converse together will be to unspeakable advantage, without imperfection, interruption, abatement, or end.

Then all tears will be wiped away, and every cloud removed; and then you will see, that all your concernments here below (the late afflicting dispensation not excepted), were appointed and adjusted by infinite wisdom and infinite love!

John Newton

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