
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23)

Comfort from Sovereignty

When heavy trials in life are appointed to us, and we are called to give up, or perhaps to pluck out, a right eye—it is an easy matter for a bystander to say ‘Be comforted;’ …

…and it is as useless as easy…

…but a view of Jesus by faith comes home to the point.

When we can fix our thoughts upon him, as laying aside all his honors, and submitting for our sakes to drink off the bitter cup of the wrath of God to the very dregs; …

…and when we further consider, that He who thus suffered in our nature, who knows and sympathizes with all our weakness—is now the Supreme Disposer of all that concerns us, that He numbers the very hairs of our heads, appoints every trial we meet with in number, weight, and measure, and will allow nothing to befall us but what shall contribute to our good…

…this view, I say, is a medicine suited to the disease, and powerfully reconciles us to every cross!

John Newton

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