
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23)

The Benefits of a Resident Minister

A minister, who lives among his people, who sees and converses with them frequently, and exemplifies his doctrine in their view by his practice, having knowledge of their spiritual states, trials, growth, and dangers—suits himself to their various states, and, by the blessing of God, builds them up, and brings them forward in faith and holiness.

He is instrumental in forming their experience; he leads them to a solid, orderly, Scriptural knowledge of Divine things.

If his name is not in so many mouths as that of the itinerant—it is upon the hearts of the people of his charge.

He lives with them as a father with his children. His steady consistent behavior silences in some measure the clamors of his enemies; and the Lord opens him doors of occasional usefulness in many places.

John Newton

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