
Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding. (Proverbs 23)

The End of Temptation

One gracious end, therefore, that the Lord has in permitting his people to be tempted, is for the prevention of greater evils, that they may not grow proud or careless, or be ensnared by the corrupt customs of the world.

In this view, I doubt not, however burdensome your trials may at some seasons prove, you are enabled, by your composed judgment, to rejoice in them, and be thankful for them.

You know what you suffer now; but you know not what might have been the consequence, if you had never smarted by the fiery darts of the wicked one.

You might have been taken in a more fatal snare, and been numbered with those who, by their grievous declensions and falls, have caused the ways of truth to be evil spoken of.

John Newton

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